Cleara Plus

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Renal Antiseptic for Poultry

Description • Cleara Plus contains group of organic salts and electrolytes which act as diuretic and stimulate renal functions in addition to electrolytes supplement.

• It is very useful to be used in cases of hydronephrosis and nephritis.

• Ammonium Chloride act as a urinary acidifier agent to prevent and dissolves certain types of urolithiases & stimulate renal excretion of some toxins.

• Sorbitol and Vitamin B complex have an effective role in regeneration and enhancing liver functions.

• Niacin and Vitamins B complex play an important role in metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and protein creating sources of energy for the bird, increase feed intake and body weight gains.

• Cleara Plus increases functions of liver in cases of indigestion & infectious diseases.

• Cleara Plus considered as powerful renal antiseptic and recommended to be used in case of Infectious Bronchitis (IB), IBD and other infectious diseases that affects kidneys in birds.
Hersteller KOHN Vet.